Wild nature is declining rapidly but it is important to remember that amongst the stories of loss there are inspiring stories of regeneration and positive change as well with nature making a difference in people’s lives, and people valuing and nurturing their natural environment.
The 2019 Conservation Optimism Summit, organised by the University of Oxford in partnership with Synchronicity Earth, will bring together passionate and creative people from around the globe to share ideas and offer solutions for more empowering conservation while continuing to disrupt the doom and gloom narrative.
The summit, to be held this year from 2-4 September at St Catherine’s College, Oxford, will gather people from the worlds of conservation, government, industry, journalism, NGOs, academia, and the creative arts to highlight ways in which we can cross-pollinate new ideas and share our strength and resources!
The event, which is the second summit organised by Conservation Optimism, will build on the success of the first summit by touching on a number of themes: What works in conservation?; How can we scale up the Conservation Optimism movement to create a tipping point for nature?; How can we incorporate creativity and arts to reach a diverse range of audiences? and finally What are the links between mental health and conservation?
We are very excited to announce that this year summit will also include a panel session featuring young leaders in the Conservation Optimism movement from across the globe, and a film festival which will highlight positive stories from the conservation and environmental sectors. The festival will accept submissions from both professional and amateur filmmakers of short-films fitting into categories such as People and Nature, Learning from Failure, and Conservation Champions.